Which Frank Lloyd Wright Buildings Bear These Red Squares?
Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation | Nov 17, 2017
Find out which Frank Lloyd Wright buildings’ red tiles are featured in the Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly.
In the Fall 2017 issue of the Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly, “Elevation,” Thomas de Monchaux explores Wright’s gift for branding, in the article “Building a Brand: The Enduring Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright.” Within the piece we feature six red tiles and asked our readers to guess which Wright buildings bear the red ceramic tiles.
“In traditional Japanese prints, the mark of the signature seal or block, generally bounded by a vertical rectangle, plays a complex role as part of the print’s composition but not part of its subject—in this way mediating between the work’s subject and object, form and content. Wright’s red square does much the same. In 1950, Wright commissioned ceramicist Jeanette Pauson Haber, to make some 25 red tiles inscribed with his initials, that were, in an account preserved in the Wright archives, ‘intended to be placed in buildings designed by Frank Lloyd Wright where the consecution and final completion of the opus adhered to his specifications and thus received his personal approval.'”
Thomas de Monchaux,“Building a Brand: The Enduring Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright,” Frank Lloyd Wright Quarterly, Elevation