Andrew Pielage photographer

Weekend Photography Workshop – Taliesin West Desert Living: Intermediate and Advanced Level (weekend 1)

January 24, 2025 – January 24, 2025

From the colors of the mountains to the shapes of the rocks, Wright taught his Apprentices to find inspiration from the natural land. In this weekend workshop designed for intermediate to advanced photographers, participants will learn how to capture the beauty of the Sonoran Desert along with many of the shelters built by former Apprentices at Taliesin West. Participants will connect deeper with the landscape and learn more about the shelter-building process. Like all creative communities, participants will share their work in the spirit of learning from each other.  


  • Workshops are intended for those 18 years and older. 
  • Participants are responsible for their own accommodations. 
  • Breakfast and lunch included on Saturday and Sunday. 
  • Complimentary tour on Friday, January 24 
  • Workshop Timing: 
    • Friday, 3:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. 
    • Saturday, 7:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. 
    • Sunday, 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 
  • Participants are required to bring: 
    • A fully manual DSLR camera with extra batteries and lenses 
    • A laptop and charger with Adobe Lightroom Classic downloaded  

Adults $700.00
Members $630.00 


Additional Information

Taliesin West Address: 12621 N. Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85259

If you have any questions about workshops at Taliesin West, please email Programs@FrankLloydwright.Org.

*Workshop details and timing are subject to change. Please check your email for updates from Programs@FrankLloydWright.Org leading up to your workshop.


All Taliesin West Tours are walking tours on gravel and concrete pathways. There are shallow steps and uneven surfaces.

Ramps are available on the property and visitors are welcome to use them at their own discretion. Ramps are 36 inches wide with slopes ranging from 21 to 27 degrees. For guests who are visually impaired, Assistants are welcome on any tour free-of-charge. Please make your reservations in advance at Info@FrankLloydWright.Org

For guests who are hard of hearing, a written script of the tour is available. Hard of Hearing guests may bring a language interpreter on any tour free of charge. Please make your reservations in advance at Info@FrankLloydWright.Org

Certified service animals are permitted on all tours. Pets and other animals whose sole function is to provide comfort, companionship, or emotional support, do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act or state law.

Please read our FAQ for answers to commonly asked questions.