Frank Lloyd Wright Virtual Classroom: Designing for Extreme Environments
Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation | Jun 3, 2020
Frank Lloyd Wright designed buildings for a variety of harsh environments. One of his top priorities for his buildings was to keep people safe. In this activity, your family will take part in an extreme design challenge. Like Wright, you’ll be tasked to design a home within a harsh environment while finding ways to keep your family safe in such an extreme place.
Don’t forget to share your projects with us!
Send your designs for extreme environments to the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation Facebook page.
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Want to learn more on this subject? Watch this episode of our weekly Taliesin Talks live Facebook series to see youth educators engage with guest panelists who have worked for NASA, aerospace engineering sciences, and robotics designed to explore Mars discuss “Teaching Architecture for Extra-Terrestrial Habitats and Extreme Environments.”
The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation is dedicated to providing quality STEAM education experiences to challenge young people around the world to be critical thinkers and creative problem solvers. During this uncertain time, with families around the world keeping their kids engaged in learning activities, the Foundation is proud to offer these lessons and other activities free of charge. Your support helps the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation keep their staff employed and creating education programs at this critical time, and long into the future.
Support these education programs and the work of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation.